Review: Will They or Won’t They?

Will They or Won’t They by Ava Wilder
Publisher: Berkley Romance
Pub Date: 6/27/2023

Thank you to Berkley Romance for the free paperback copy and PRH Audio for the free audiobook copy in exchange for my honest review.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

GoodReads Synopsis: Lilah Hunter and Shane McCarthy are madly in love— at least, their characters are. As the stars of the hit paranormal TV show Intangible, they spent years pining for each other on-screen… until Lilah ditched the show at the end of season five in hopes of becoming a film star. With no such luck, she’s back to film the much-hyped ninth and final season, in which their characters will get together at last.

But coming back means facing one of the biggest reasons she left: Shane. Ever since their secret behind-the-scenes fling imploded at the end of the first season, the two of them have despised each other.

Now back on set together for the first time in years, with the world’s eyes on them and their post-show careers on the line, they’ll have to grit their teeth and play nice. But under pressure to give Intangible’s fans the happy ending they’ve been waiting for, Lilah and Shane are forced to get closer than ever. And if they’re not careful, they just might get blindsided by one final twist: a real-life happy ending of their own.

Review: In Will They or Won’t They by Ava Wilder, Lilah Hunter and Shane McCarthy, once deeply in love onscreen, must confront their past animosity as they reunite on the set of their hit TV show for its final season. With their post-show careers and the expectations of fans hanging in the balance, they’ll have to navigate their strained relationship, risking the possibility of a surprising real-life happy ending. I DNF’ed How to Fake It In Hollywood so my expectations for Will They or Won’t They were low. However, I was intrigued by the premise of actors, second chance romance, and enemies-to-lovers so I decided to give it a try. As I was reading, I found the alternating chapters from Lilah and Shane to be written well, allowing each character to have their own distinct voice. The choice of audiobook narrators also complemented the characters well. I appreciated how the glimpses of their past were woven into the alternating chapters, providing insight into their present-day behavior towards each other. Although I’m usually not a fan of miscommunication tropes, in this case, it worked well for the storyline. The author skillfully developed their relationship in the past, broke them up, and then gradually rebuilt their intimacy in the present. The author’s writing style kept my attention throughout the story. If you’re a fan of celebrity and/or second chance romances, I recommend reading Will They or Won’t They!

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