Review: Hello Stranger

Hello Stranger by Katherine Center
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Pub Date: 7/11/2023

Thank you to SMP Romance for the free ebook copy on NetGalley & Macmillan Audio for the free advanced audiobook in exchange for my honest review.

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

GoodReads Synopsis: Sadie Montgomery never saw what was coming . . . Literally! One minute she’s celebrating the biggest achievement of her life—placing as a finalist in the North American Portrait Society competition—the next, she’s lying in a hospital bed diagnosed with a “probably temporary” condition known as face blindness. She can see, but every face she looks at is now a jumbled puzzle of disconnected features. Imagine trying to read a book upside down and in another language. This is Sadie’s new reality with every face she sees.

But, as she struggles to cope, hang on to her artistic dream, work through major family issues, and take care of her beloved dog, Peanut, she falls into—love? Lust? A temporary obsession to distract from the real problems in her life?—with not one man but two very different ones. The timing couldn’t be worse.

If only her life were a little more in focus, Sadie might be able to find her way. But perceiving anything clearly right now seems impossible. Even though there are things we can only find when we aren’t looking. And there are people who show up when we least expect them. And there are always, always other ways of seeing.

Review: Sadie Montgomery, a talented portrait artist, is suddenly diagnosed with face blindness after achieving a major milestone in her career. As she navigates her new reality of seeing faces as jumbled puzzles, Sadie also grapples with family issues, pursues her artistic dreams, and unexpectedly finds herself torn between two men. Despite the challenges, Sadie discovers that sometimes we find what we need when we least expect it and that there are different ways of seeing beyond physical appearances. As a fan of Katherine Center, I was eagerly looking forward to reading Hello Stranger which is one of my most anticipated summer reads! I devoured the book in just one day! Center’s writing style never fails to provide a comforting and engaging reading experience and the pacing was just perfect. I was particularly touched by Joe’s unwavering understanding and support for Sadie throughout her journey with facial blindness. The author skillfully portrayed Sadie’s struggles and doubts, while also emphasizing the importance of kindness, hope, and overcoming obstacles. I couldn’t help but fall in love with Sadie’s quirky and lovable complex character. I highly recommend picking up Hello Stranger if you’re a fan of Katherine Center’s work or are a romance reader!

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